Why You Should Keep Your New Year’s Resolution
January 25, 2019
Keeping a New Year’s resolution may be harder than you think. Just 8% of people in the United States achieve their New Year’s resolutions. 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by February.
Some common New Year’s resolutions people make are: save money, get in shape, or learn a new skill or a hobby.
I believe that having New Year’s resolutions is a great way to build success for a new year with new goals. If you had a bad previous year, you can set yourself up for success again and leave all the bad stuff in the past. New Year’s resolutions will help you move forward towards the future and leave everything bad that happened in the past; it is a healthy psychological way that can help relieve you from the bad stuff in the past. However, people’s resolutions do fade away after a month or so. Therefore you need to make a list of all your resolutions so that you can look back at it, and the more focused you are in your goals the more success will come out for you.
Other students at Stone Bridge High School believe keeping a resolution will give you a better year.
“I think it’s important to keep New Year’s Resolutions because it gives yourself a chance to grow, learn more, and become a better person every year,” junior Malika Shaik stated.
Resolutions might be hard to keep, but it can certainly impact your year in a positive approach.
“New Year’s resolutions are promises that a person makes for the new year. Regardless of what resolution you commit to, the goal is to improve life in the coming year. Even if resolutions aren’t put into action it still shows you are committed to changing something for yourself.” sophomore Kalen Tussey said.
On the contrary, other students believe New Year’s resolutions end up failing anyways.
“You should always try to improve and set goals year around, and most New Year’s resolutions only last like a month.” sophomore Mitchell Cheng stated.
Along with that, some people believe that New Year’s resolutions are something negative.
“You should be able to start a habit at any point in time. Also, they have a famous reputation of being flimsy” junior Rosanna Fajutrao
New Year’s resolutions tend to backfire after a few months coming after the New Year, but if you can manage staying organized and setting yourself up for success then you will be seeing results you’ve never seen before.