This year, Ramadan started the night of Feb. 28, and will last through March 30. During this holiday, muslim students in the school show their devotion to God and practice their faith by fasting, praying, and gathering with other believers.
Ramadan is the ninth month in the islamic calendar and is known for being the holiest month in Islam because it is believed to be the time when the first verses of the Quran were revealed to the Prophet Muhammed. During this month, muslims will fast all day by waking up at sunrise for Suhoor to pray and consume food and water. Then, after the sun sets, muslim students will break their fast during Iftar. This routine lasts for 30 days.
The Islamic calendar is based on the lunar year, which is 11 days shorter than the solar year, resulting in Ramadan being at different times each year. The holiday begins the night of a new moon and ends on a new moon as well.
This holy month is more than just about self control and discipline. During this month, muslims adopt virtuous activities like increasing spiritual productivity. Ramadan is also a chance for people to let go of bad habits such as smoking, cursing, or gossiping.
“I see Ramadan as a lesson where we all learn as Muslims how to practice good habits and keep them going throughout the year,” President of Muslim Student Association (MSA) Zaid Refaei said.
Fasting during Ramadan might not be for everyone, especially for a person with a medical condition like diabetes. Muslims are recommended to avoid fasting and prioritize their health if they have any conditions that could worsen by abstaining from food. Throughout the month, if believers get sick or for some other reason miss a few days of Ramadan, then they have until next Ramadan to make up for those days by participating in the same practices that they would during the holiday.
“All Muslims are to fast for Ramadan,” Refaei said. “But whoever is pregnant, whoever is sick, whoever is out traveling, can be exempt from the fasting, so it makes it fair.”
There are a lot of social gatherings and events during this time, and muslim families often host and get together to have Iftar and pray together. Many clubs or places will host annual Iftar gatherings to welcome others.
“On Wednesday the 12th we held an inter-MSA iftar potluck with Broad Run.” Vice President of MSA Yasmine Taouss said. “They hosted and a lot of people showed up, which was a great time. There was henna and lots of good food.”