Many seniors who have early release spend their extra time away from school working part-time jobs in order to prepare them for balancing the pressing responsibilities of adulthood.
By working part-time jobs seniors are able to gain extra money for living expenses and have the opportunity to be eligible for scholarships to colleges and universities. Early release can be beneficial to students because leaving school early can allow them a lot more time to work more hours or do other things such as school activities or spend their time with family and friends.
“Early release helped me get a closing shift and gain more hours,” SR Coffee employee Tyler Chin said. “It teaches me life skills and the importance of responsibility.”
Each job has its own benefits and advantages depending on the type of industry that students choose to work in.
“I always wanted to learn how to be a barista,” SR coffee employee Dianna Mancia said. “So, it helped me learn a lot of new things that I wouldn’t have known how to do”.
Working part-time jobs teaches a lot of important life skills that will further be of help and be useful to know for the workforce.
“It’s definitely taught me and given me a greater sense of responsibility,” Fireworks employee Emma Goodfriend said. “It has also taught me the importance and value of money. I feel that it is further preparing me for adulthood.”
Working is a great way to gain job experience and find new interests. Having these opportunities can help adapt new skills that are vital for future jobs as well as doing the things you love.
“I found my job through my club coach,” Volleyball referee Hannah Skemp said. “I love to play volleyball, and now I have the opportunity to help little kids by reffing their games and teaching them about the sport. It’s not just that I get paid to be there, but I also get to work with my teammates and help out my coaches.”
When looking for jobs, it’s important to choose a workplace that aligns with future goals, and many of the working Bulldogs found an environment where they would be comfortable.
“I choose to work for Ashby because of the great work environment I heard about,” Ashby Ponds employee Marvin Fekel said. “You get to meet people from other high schools and have an enjoyable learning experience while working.”
As full-time students, the amount of available time workers have varies throughout the week due to sports or clubs. If you are a student that has an early release and is looking for the opportunity to work, the career center is a good place to go to find out what places are hiring.
“The work environment is very positive, and the managers were flexible with my school and sports schedule,” Ashby Ponds employee Sammy Maphis said. “I love all my coworkers because they all make me laugh and help me out when I need it. The managers are very laid back and are understanding towards my school schedule.”