Students Making Masks to Protect You

Elizabeth Casey, Staff Writer

Three students have taken the initiative to start their own business making and selling
homemade masks to help protect people from spreading and contracting the coronavirus during these unusual times. Sophia Denayer, Tina Mai, and Alex Axtell started a small business called “Sisters who Sew,” creating accessories including scrunchies, bracelets and masks.

“We came up with the idea when Sophia’s dad wanted to give some homemade masks to his
coworkers,” Axtell said.

Not only does Sisters who Sew sell masks, they donate masks as well. Thirty-two masks were
donated to Soldiers Angels, who provide aid to veterans and their families. Ten additional
masks were donated to the Next Door Foundation, which provides education services to
children in Milwaukee.

“I chose to donate to Soldiers Angels because, by making masks, we give back to all the
soldiers and their families who have fought for our country,” Denayer said.

Denayer spent a total of 20 hours working to create masks to donate to Soldiers Angels. Sisters
Who Sew have also sold 20 masks in total so far along with other accessories.

A popular package bought from their business is the “M&S” package which consists of a
scrunchie and a mask. These are sold for $8 dollars and are made from many unique and
stylish fabrics. Sisters Who Sew have also started to sell masks for $10 a piece on Ebay in

“My favorite thing about the masks is how comfortable they are and the design is really cute
too,” customer Elizabeth Dillley said.

Dilley purchased a mask from Sisters Who Sew and has used it many times on outings to
protect herself from the coronavirus.

Sisters Who Sew’s products are mainly advertised on their instagram, “sisterswhosew”, which
showcases many of their products that have been made since April. The instagram page mainly
consists of pictures of their scrunchies, masks, bracelets, and headbands. There is also a link in
their instagram biography to a website which informs consumers of the prices of their products
and how they can be ordered.

“Our favorite part is being able to provide masks during the pandemic!” Axtell said. “It’s also
quite satisfying to see a completed mask after it’s taken a bit to make.”