Turf vs. Grass: What do Athletes Prefer?

Ricky Rocha, staff writer

Turf fields are the future, or are they? A lot of grass fields are being replaced by artificial turf, and most people think this is a good thing, but which do players like more, turf or grass?

In August of 2015 Stone Bridge got its long-anticipated turf field, but booth Coach Mikey Thompson and Coach Muoka Musau both say there are some drawbacks to having turf fields.

“When we got turf we did see a lot more small injuries like shin splints,” Coach Thompson said.

Coach Musau added that the types of injuries were different on turf fields.

“Whether or not you’re on turf or grass you are going to have small injuries, but when we got the turf I did see more big injuries such as ACL tears,” Musau said.

This year the soccer team had two players tear their ACL. Both times was on turf.

What does the NFL think though?

According to the University of Arkansas, an NFL survey of 1,511 active NFL players was done by the NFL players association. This survey found that 73% of the players would rather play on a grass field, while 18% liked turf. The rest of the players had no preference.

This shows that even pro athletes prefer natural grass. Despite this, turf also has its perks.

“Turf also allows another practice for the teams,” Thompson said.

Before turf the teams here weren’t allowed to play on the main field in order to reduce wear on the field. Now, because of turf, teams can practice at the same time or one on the turf and one on the practice field.

Also it depends on the sport. Field hockey and lacrosse players usually prefer turf because the ball doesn’t bounce on bumps. said,

“Yeah I like turf better cause the ball doesn’t bounce. The turf is flat,” Hughes said.

Football and soccer players like well maintained grass better. They also think is doesn’t hurt people as much.

“If I was playing on grass I don’t think I would have torn it because if I was on grass I would have slipped,” Block said.

The turf vs. grass problem will be a problem for awhile, but I think it ultimately come down to the player and the sport.