“Tangled,” a Disney adaptation of the classic fairytale story of Rapunzel, is now being reimagined on the stage. First animated and released on Nov. 10, 2010, Disney finally brought a generational classic to life.
Disney Cruise Line recently announced the live adaptation of “Tangled,” which will take the form of a musical. Directors of the show have promised to be true to the original motion picture while still having enough of a twist to keep the audience enthralled.
“I am really excited for [the “Tangled” musical] because growing up Rapunzel was always one of my favorite princesses, and I’m excited to see how they incorporate the songs from the movie into the musical,” senior Adalia Zabel said.
The musical will follow the journey of Rapunzel, who will be played by Elisha Ainsley, as she ventures outside of her tower to finally find the lights she has wanted to see her entire life. All of the new cast members, including Katie Whetsell as Mother Gothel and Nick Pankuch as Flynn Ryder, seem to be focused on breathing new life into the beloved story.
“I’m excited to see what the actors Disney has chosen to play these iconic characters will add to the already amazing story,” junior Miranda Ridgley said.
The new performers with familiar faces are already making a big splash and impact on so many people, which is bringing new excitement to the masses.
“People have been ecstatic to hear that the characters they love–like the iconic Rapunzel Flynn Ryder–are going to be seen again,” junior Emma Kleinhans said. “‘Tangled: the Musical’ is one of the most exciting and fun-filled musicals to hit the stage in a while.”
The newest Disney show will feature fresh, exciting dance numbers, as well as additional songs and reprises that add to the magic of the original.
It is still unknown whether or not “Tangled: the Musical” will find itself on Broadway, but many fans are hoping that the show, like other Disney adapted musicals such as “Cinderella,” “Beauty and the Beast,” and “Aladdin,” will be seen under the lights and on the stage.
“I hope that one day I will be able to see the musical on Broadway because it will just heal my inner child who wanted to be a part of Rapunzel’s world,” Ridgley said.